
Humare Zamaane Main…

The influence of the phrase Humare Zamaane Mein has been part of many conversations amongst our peer groups, families, news debates, pitch presentations and discussions etc. In…

The Dragon of Culture

In the summer of 2017, many Indians and people across the world were exasperating as to why the World’s most popular Television Series,’ The Game…

Garbage In, Garbage Out!

For PR veterans it may sound elementary, but for many other professionals it still remains a challenge. Yes, I am discussing the art of writing…

My PRovoke17 Experience

The announcement of my name still reverberates in my ears, when the winner of Ace Business Communicator award was declared at PRAXIS 2017 in Jaipur….

Difficulty of RESET

I am at the cusp of embarking on an exciting journey in my professional life, having spent nearly two decades in the public relations business….

Pros and Cons of Social Media

One of the most revolutionising moments in the 21st century has been the worldwide accessibility to the Internet. The Internet is reshaping how we share…